هيليم تشيز

مع منتجنا الخاص بالجبن Hellim الفريد من نوعه في قبرص ، يمكنك الحصول على أذواق فريدة من نوعها في السندويشات الخاصة بك في وجبتك ، سواء كنت تحب الخام أو المقلية على الشواية.مع منتجنا الخاص بالجبن Hellim الفريد من نوعه في قبرص ، يمكنك الحصول على أذواق فريدة من نوعها في السندويشات الخاصة بك في وجبتك ، سواء كنت تحب الخام أو المقلية على الشواية. يضيف الهيكل الملائم للنكهة نكهات جديدة إلى المائدة بطعم ونكهة فريدة من نوعها. 200 غرام ، 1 كجم Rende Mozzarella Cheese هو منتج عملي يمكنك استخدامه في البيتزا والباستا والحساء لجعل حياتك أسهل. جبن Rende و Block Mozzarella لها خصائص ذوبان وإطالة ممتازة. مع هذه الخصائص ، يفضل الموزاريلا ، وهو جزء لا غنى عنه من pizzas ، من قبل العديد من الشركات المحلية والأجنبية. يمكن إنتاج جبن ريندي موزاريلا على شكل شرائط ومكعبات ، في شكل غاز وبليد ، في اتجاه طلب المستهلكين.

Other Products

White Village Cheese

White Cheese is obtained from pasteurized cow milk. It can be consumed at breakfast or it can be easily consumed in sandwiches, salads, macaroni. Our classic white cheese product is a product that appeals to the taste of classic white cheese lovers thanks to its unique structure and taste. 500 gr., 1 kg. , 2 Kg., 4 Kg., 9 Kg.

Hellim Cheese

With our Hellim cheese product unique to Cyprus, you can get unique tastes in your sandwiches at your meal, whether you like raw or fried on a grill.With our Hellim cheese product unique to Cyprus, you can get unique tastes in your sandwiches at your meal, whether you like raw or fried on a grill. Flavor-friendly structure adds new flavors to the table with its unique taste and flavor. 200 gr., 1 kg Rende Mozzarella Cheese is a practical product that you can use in your pizzas, pastas and soups to make your life easier. Rende and Block Mozzarella cheeses have excellent melting and lengthening properties. With these properties, mozzarella, which is an indispensable part of pizzas, is preferred by many domestic and foreign companies. Rende mozzarella cheeses can be produced in strips and cubes, in gas and dull format, in the direction of demand of our consumers.

Chechil Cheese

Chechil cheeses made from traditional special products have excellent fibrillating properties and knitted cheeses offer different regional flavor alternatives with its hard and salty structure.Chechil cheeses made from traditional special products have excellent fibrillating properties and knitted cheeses offer different regional flavor alternatives with its hard and salty structure. Chechil Cheese is a kind of cheese that is separated by fiber and wire. 200 gr., 1 kg. , 2 K.

Knitted Cheese

With its excellent fibrillated structures from traditional special products and knitted cheeses, it offers different regional flavor alternatives with its hard and salty structure.With its excellent fibrillated structures from traditional special products and knitted cheeses, it offers different regional flavor alternatives with its hard and salty structure. Our knitted cheeses, which are produced in the form of hair braids and which require a lot of effort in the production of private and regional tattas, offer a full-bodied pleasure with its fibrous structure which requires a variety of breakfasts and salads. 200 gr., 1 kg. , 2 K.,